Sidy LY
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Research Interest
Applied mathematics
Mean field games
Stochastic optimization
Theory of control
Mathematical modeling
Differential equations,
Applications : fisheries problems, Epidemiology
Some main publications
Sidy Ly, Lena Tendeng, Mouhamadou A.M.T. Balde, Diene Ngom, Diaraf Seck (2021) Stochastic Reaction Network Modeling and Optimal Control for Covid-19. In: Seck D., Kangni K., Nang P., Salomon Sambou M. (eds) Nonlinear Analysis, Geometry and Applications. Trends in Mathematics. Birkhäuser, Cham. (in process)
Ly Sidy, Seck Diaraf. (2020) Stochastic Optimization in Population Dynamics: The Case of Multi-site Fisheries. In: Seck D., Kangni K., Nang P., Salomon Sambou M. (eds) Nonlinear Analysis, Geometry and Applications. Trends in Mathematics. Birkhäuser, Cham.
S. Ly , F. Mansal, Diaraf Seck, M. Balde : "A location problem of obstacles in population dynamics", (2016) doi:10.5539/jmr.v8n4p211, URL:
S. Ly, F. Mansal, M. Bald, T. Nguyen-Huu, P. Auger (2013): "A Model of a Multi-Site Fishery with Variable Price : from Over-Exploitation toSustainable Fisheries". Math.Model.Nat.Phenom. Vol.8, No. 6 pp. 130-142. DOI:10.1051/mmnp/20138609.
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