[1] Hamza Dhaker, Papa Ngom, Boubakari Ibrahimou, Malick Mbodj, Overlap Coefficients Based on Kullback-Leibler of Two Normal Densities: Equal Means Case, March 2019Journal of Mathematics Research 11(2):114, DOI: 10.5539/jmr.v11n2p114.
[2] M. Ndiaye, S. Dabo-Niang. P. Ngom, P. Brehmer, N. Thiam, M. Fall, Nonparametric Prediction for Spatial Dependent Functional Data: Application to Demersal Coastal Fish off Senegal, January 2020, DOI: 10.1002/9781119706922.ch2, In book: Mathematical Modeling of Random and Deterministic PhenomenaPublisher: Wiley.
[3] Hamza Dhaker, Papa Ngom, Pierre Mendy, El Hadji Deme, New approach for Bandwidth Selection in the Kernel Density Estimation Based on β-Divergence, Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Applications Volume 51, 2018, Pages 57-83,
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